LMC 32

Kookaburra Has the Last Laugh

New public art sculpture for Denman Memorial Park

Denman artist Mark Ray is very handy with a chainsaw! His latest work, commissioned by Muswellbrook Shire Council, a full size sculpture of a kookaburra, will find a new home at the newly upgraded Denman Memorial Park where it is sure to become a draw card for locals and visitors alike.

The public art, commissioned as a part of the 2019-20 Major Landcare Budget, was originally intended as an interactive piece for Hyde Park in Denman. However, after concerns were raised by council staff and community members about possible vandalism at that location, it was decided to locate “The Kookaburra” at the popular park.

The sculpture was carved from a single block of Diodora Cedar estimated to be close to 100 years old which was recovered from a property at Martindale where it had fallen over in a storm.

General Manager Fiona Plesman said: “ Initially only one statue was planned but due to positive community feedback and the quality of the statue, Council has commissioned two more native bird statues, a magpie and tawny frog-mouth owl to be installed at Muscle Creek and Sandy Hollow respectively.”

The commissioning of smaller native bird sculptures will also be considered for placement along the Denman Nature Trail.

From blank canvas to finishing touches Mike Ray
From blank canvas to finishing touches - Mark Ray

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